• Etiologie

  • Facteurs exogènes : Autres

  • Mélanome

Development of Melanoma and Other Nonkeratinocyte Skin Cancers After Thyroid Cancer Radiation

Menée à partir de données des registres américains des cancers portant sur 174  916 patients atteints d'un cancer primitif de la thyroïde, cette étude analyse l'association entre un traitement par rayonnements et le risque de cancer cutané non kératinocytaire (865 cas dont 790 mélanomes)

Thyroid cancer and skin cancer are commonly diagnosed cancers in the US. Prior research has suggested a link between papillary thyroid cancer and malignant melanoma via common pathogenic variants. Unlike nonmelanoma skin cancers, the evidence for a relationship between melanoma and exposure to ionizing radiation is sparse. Although radioactive iodine therapy for thyroid cancer is thought to be associated with subsequent solid organ and hematologic tumors, the association has rarely been studied. Thus, we characterized the risk of subsequent melanoma and other nonkeratinocyte skin cancers in patients with primary thyroid malignant neoplasms.

JAMA Network Open

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