Le dispositif d’annonce : expérience au centre Antoine-Lacassagne de Nice
Cette étude française présente les résultats des enquêtes de satisfaction réalisées auprès des patients sur le dispositif d’annonce mis en place depuis 2004 au centre Antoine-Lacassagne de Nice
Since 2004, the Nice Antoine-Lacasassagne Cancer Center set up the cancer announcement plan which is based on consultation and coordination-phases in order to support and inform the patient and his family about complexity of the disease. An information procedure of cancer announcement to the patient has been developed in our center, based on a multidisciplinary team, the interdisciplinary department of supportive care for cancer patients. After the experimentation phase, our hospital has been recognized by The French National Cancer Institute as a training institution. The results of patient’s satisfaction surveys emphasize the efficiency of a comprehensive care more humane.