• Biologie

  • Progression et métastases

Surviving at a Distance: Organ-Specific Metastasis

Cet article passe en revue les travaux récents sur les caractéristiques des micro-environnements qui, dans un organe donné, permettent à des cellules cancéreuses de former une métastase

The clinical manifestation of metastasis in a vital organ is the final stage of cancer progression and the main culprit of cancer-related mortality. Once established, metastasis is devastating, but only a small proportion of the cancer cells that leave a tumor succeed at infiltrating, surviving, and ultimately overtaking a distant organ. The bottlenecks that challenge cancer cells in newly invaded microenvironments are organ-specific and consequently demand distinct mechanisms for metastatic colonization. We review the metastatic traits that allow cancer cells to colonize distinct organ sites.


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