• Traitements

  • Combinaison de traitements localisés et systémiques

  • Voies aérodigestives supérieures

Multimodality treatment of locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus : a comprehensive review and network meta-analysis

Menée à partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (25 essais incluant au total 3 866 patients), cette méta-analyse évalue, du point de vue de la survie, l'efficacité de différentes stratégies thérapeutiques multimodales par rapport à un traitement chirurgical seul chez les patients atteints d'un carcinome épidermoïde de l'œsophage de stade localement avancé

Background : Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for oesophageal squamous-cell carcinoma (OSCC) but with poor results. Attempts to improve patient outcome have been made by introducing chemotherapy (CT), radiotherapy (RT), or both (CRT). However, randomized comparisons for all these strategies are not always available. Patients and methods : We conducted an extensive literature search for studies comparing surgery with multimodality treatment (i.e. [neo-]adjuvant CT or RT or CRT or definitive CRT). Network meta-analysis was performed in a Bayesian framewor and node-split models were built to assess inconsistency. Results : Twenty-five trials including a total of 3866 OSCC patients were included. Neoadjuvant CRT was associated with the most robust survival advantage across different multimodality treatment options (HR 0.73; 95% credible interval [CrI] 0.63-0.86). Definitive CRT was also significantly more effective than surgery but with greater uncertainties (HR 0.62; 95%CrI 0.41-0.96). Neoadjuvant CT (HR 0.90; 95%CrI 0.76-1.07) and adjuvant CRT (HR 1.00; 95%CrI 0.70-1.40) are associated with a non-significant benefit. Conclusions : To date, neoadjuvant CRT seems to represent the best approach to maximize the benefit of a multimodality approach.


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